Welcome to the Albanian Wildlife Rescue Team (AWRT)


Our Core Activities:

Environmental Protection: We strive to preserve and improve the habitats that support our diverse wildlife populations.
Wild Fauna Protection: Our team works tirelessly to ensure the well-being of all wild fauna species, with a focus on their long-term survival.
Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation: We provide aid to abused, tortured, or illegally captured wildlife, delivering compassionate care and support.
Professional Veterinary Care: Our skilled veterinarians treat wild fauna individuals affected by human or natural causes, ensuring their optimal recovery.
Rescue Center Management: AWRT establishes and manages rescue centers, delivering comprehensive care and rehabilitation to wild fauna in need of long-term support.

Our Esteemed Partners:

We proudly collaborate with a range of reputable organizations that share our vision for a sustainable and thriving Albanian ecosystem. 

Our partners include:

Natura 2000
Trans Adriatic Pipeline
Associazione Salviamo gli Orsi della Luna
Save Albanian Bears Coalition
Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Albanian National Agency of Protected Areas

Our Board of Directors:

Our dedicated Board of Directors steers the AWRT team, ensuring the organization remains focused on its mission and delivers a lasting impact on wildlife conservation. The board comprises:

Ms. Caterina Carugati
Mr. Afrim Mahmuti
Mr. Sajmir Shehu
Mr. Blandi Mustafai
Mr. Ariel Vasili
Mr. Ronald M. Meier

Join us in preserving Albania's invaluable natural heritage. Together, we can create a brighter, greener, and more sustainable future for our cherished wildlife and ecosystems.

At AWRT, we recognize the critical role that wildlife plays in our ecosystem and the need to protect these animals from the numerous threats they face, including habitat destruction, pollution, and poaching.

Our team works tirelessly to ensure that these animals receive the care they need and deserve, while also addressing the root causes of the threats they face.


Our experienced team

includes veterinarians, biologists, and wildlife specialists who work together to provide round-the-clock care for injured animals. We also work with local communities to develop conservation strategies that address the underlying issues impacting wildlife populations.

At AWRT, we believe that education is key to preserving our natural environment. That's why we work to raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitats through educational programs and community outreach. We aim to inspire the next generation of conservationists and create a more sustainable future for all.

We are proud of the work we do at AWRT and are committed to continuing our efforts to protect Albania's wildlife. We invite you to join us in this important mission and become a part of our community of supporters. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of the animals we share this planet with.

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